Sunday, January 31, 2010

Having fun On s´amuse


  1. Hi Glad to see you are well and looking good!!! Sounds like you are having a great experience I am happy for you all. Work hard have fun!! Love Sue T

  2. Great to hear everyone is doing so well and having so much fun. I guess our beds will be in the spots where the rain is falling.Enjoyed the update and are now packing a tarp.See you all in a week. GREG

  3. Hey Oncle Denis! Justin vient de lire avec nous ton update. Il fait dire qu'il commence avoir du "withdrawal" de les Mon'oncle Denis jokes !!
    Hee! Hee!
    Beau travail la gang! Tres impressionant!

  4. sorry for some reason I'm sign in as matante
    Didn't get the medical kit,I tried to phone Health Partners but offices closed. You can call us tonight(Sat)after 9h #883-2259.We don"t know what we can do?
